Happy Birthday Ms. Elizabeth "Miss Ann" Butcher (3/31/1945-12/05/2001)

This December will make 11 years to the day that I lost my paternal grandmother. I remember that day so clearly and I miss her like she just left yesterday.  *woo-sah* I'm trying to pull it together and not cry as I write this post.

My grandmother and I were very close. I was her first grandchild and probably, well I'm pretty sure her favorite - and she had no problem letting people know that.  :)   Today would have been my grandmothers' 66th birthday! (although she probably would have told people it was her 26th, lol...) that woman was a real firecracker! :) She was also my biggest fan and the woman who gave me my 'shape' (as my family loves to point out) and the confidence to match *wink*, instilled in me my love of acrylic nails, and gave birth to my daddy.

My grandmother was hilarious, had a smart mouth, AND always had something to say. I loved spending time with her. We would hang out often, watch Wheel of Fortune and see who would guess the puzzle first (she was waaaaay better than I was back then) stay up all night to watch I Love Lucy together (and then I'd leave the room for her to watch Perry Mason), we would sit up and eat a CAN of biscuits each with jelly or syrup (cause we both LOVED bread), stay up til 4am cooking Thanksgiving dinners each year, go and get our nails done (I think she got my first set when I was about 9 or 10) and just enjoy each other.  I even remember when she lived in her house in West Dallas (where I grew up) we would play Babyface - Whip Appeal (on cassette of course) over and over and take turns lip singing the song... we had so much fun together.... I can remember when I got sick, she would nurse me until I felt better (including still crushing up my medicine/pills for me well until I was in high school. LOL  She would take me shopping, give me gifts and always give me a 'lil extra.  She was a feisty, humorous, beautiful woman . She had a giving heart and was always the life of the party. She was one in a million. And even toward her later years battling congestive heart failure and diabetes; she didnt let her sickness get her down when she could help it.
Although she is no longer here physically, she left pieces of her with us and I'm reminded of that everyday. I am also convinced that in SOME way she is reincarnated in my daughter because Jaliyah acts just like her sometimes.  (Ohhhhh if she had ever had a chance to meet my baby no one else would stand a chance - I can only imagine how in love with her she would be). When I look in the mirror at my figure I see her. When my mom tells me "I think I'm fine just like my granny" I smile cause I feel her confidence.  When I hear a song, I'm reminded of us riding and listening to music.  When I smell sweet potato pies I remember cooking with her.  When I think of my granny I can close my eyes and I see her bright smile, her sense of humor, hear her laugh and recall her spunk and her fiesty attitude. She was truly special.  Although she is gone, she will never be forgotten.  I thank her for who she was and is to me. 
I wish she were here today for me to celebrate, appreciate and shower her with love and gifts like she did me. I love her and miss her sooooo much.


  1. Oh my God Mo...why did you have to take me there? Miss Ann was the best Mother-in-Law in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! She was ALWAYS there for me and my children. Our families blended together and ALWAYS did things together. Even when my ex left she was on the job of "getting us back together". I can remember after Patrick left; for the holidays she would spend the night with me and the kids, we would cook, clean and just have fun...the next day we would enjoy the holiday together...around 5:00PM she would call Patrick to come pick her up to spend the rest of the holiday with him and his "new" family. I was always FIRST! Like Mo said she was "something else"...had me buying a ring for every one of Mo's fingers at 9 years old (real diamonds too)...and getting my baby's nails done at 9...the two of them together were a mess and I didn't have a "say so"...Monique was hers...I just birth her!To know her was to love her! Happy Birthday Miss Ann...I see you everyday in Monique and Jaliyah! I am SO blessed!

  2. That's a sweet post. You know a person was about love when you can remember the small things they did for you that can make you smile to this day.


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