
Some of the ones I've received over the last few weeks that were just too good not to share. Hope you enjoy these as much as I have/do.

TRUTH:  You'll learn more from your mistakes if you don't waste time denying them.

TRUTH:  The best place to look for someone to make you happy is in the mirror. Accept who you are and be content, but don't let that stop you from evolving..…..God created you and He doesn't major in mistakes.

TRUTH:  Sometimes the hardest thing to deal with, isn't the problem itself…'s having the courage to face the answer.

TRUTH:  There are people out there who'd kill to watch me fall, but someone died to pick me up.  And because of that, I'll never stay down.

TRUTH:  One of the main reasons we never go beyond our ability is we limit our own choices.   I say that to say this:  Do not make choices which feed a temporary want but starve a permanent need.

SIMPLY PUT:  Prayer is the place where burdens change shoulders.                                  ^^^^^^^^AWESOME!^^^^^^^^

TRUTH:  Sometimes your tone has a means much more than the words you speak.

TRUTH:  You truly can't start the next chapter, if you keep re-reading the last one.

TRUTH: One of the worst things a person can do for another, is love them only when they feel happy.



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