Once in a Lifetime..... Yes or No?

Hey! So its 1:08a.m. and I'm wide awake, not even the least bit sleepy and my mind racing with thoughts... This post is going to be kind of random so don't judge me, lol... I read a quote the other day and couldnt decide if I agreed or disagreed with it, so I'd like to pose it to you and hear your thoughts ...so this time, I'd LOVE your feedback.  The quote was about true love and it read:

TRUE LOVE is not like a train, that when you miss it, you can say, I'll catch the next one." TRUE LOVE only comes along once.
Things that make you go hmmm.... Someone I spoke with immediately agreed when they read the quote, but I didnt. It caused me to go into really deep thought. I was like REALLY? I dont know if that response was me being naive or me just not wanting to believe that you only have one shot to experience that 'one true love' .....or maybe I dont want to think that someone I previously gave that title to in my past was IT..... could be that I dont want to accept that I've already had my one true love and thats as good as it gets? I have no idea.....

For one, I think everyone has their own definition of TRUE LOVE. What makes someone your TRUE LOVE or makes a relationship THE ONE anyway??? Not everyone would answer that question the same way because everyone has different standards and ideals about love and relationships period. Maybe I'm mistaking true love with first love... yeah, maybe thats it.

I dont have much to say about this one so I'm looking forward to your feedback, but just makes me wonder about a whole bunch of STUFF.... liiiiiiiiiiiiike... a.) justification and reasoning behind people that marry more than once (if they had married their true love the first time - that's usually why people marry right - they feel like its true love - well maybe back in the day) b.) how can people truly open up and be in a relationship with someone always comparing the latter to the former 'true love' standard c.) if you're not with the person you consider to be your true love - how can you be happy in other relationships d.) maybe that first one was what you THOUGHT true love was and you still have the opportunity to experience real true love......I dont know...but I'm curious to know what you think about it....

Sounds to me like even Monica agrees, lol... check out the video below and listen to the lyrics... I really like this song - but in all my confusion - I dont know if I should since I may or may not agree with whats its saying... I'm still on the fence.



  1. True Love Is a DECISION, that's backed by ACTIONS. However, wrong actions don't mean that you don't love a person. Chances are that someone you love has disappointed you at some point. In spite of your feelings of disappointment, you likely still love them dearly. REALATIONSHIP SUSTAINING LOVE IS NOT A FEELING, IT'S A DECISION. Relationship sustaining love is about the decision to be accountable, compromising, and compassionate. These things aren't easy, but if you have a person that you believe is worthwhile then they are WORTH THE EFFORT. If you tell a person that you're in love with them, then their concerns should be your concerns. If your mate "sincerely" tells you that something you're doing is bothering them - there should at least be an ATTEMPT to accommodate them. God says to love each other like Christ loved the church and HE clearly loved us through our faults, mistakes, weaknesses, successes and victories. "True (relationship sustaining) Love" CAN happen more than once. Since I think relationship sustaining love is a decision, I think that it can be made at any point by any person. Relationship sustaining love is learned. Sometimes you have to learn or be reminded of how to provide relationship sustaining love and support to another person.

    Someone might have been in a relationship where both parties were committing, and problems (in any number of forms) can arise to disturb the unity and trust. I don't believe that problems or the ending of this relationship means that there wasn’t love. I just believe that the actions that were taken to address the problem may not have been healthy and RELATIONSHIP SUSTAINING - at least not at this point. There's nothing too hard for God so with prayer and God's will, this relationship can certainly be restored. HOWEVER, I also believe that either of these persons could meet someone else that they enjoy, and that they LOVE ENOUGH TO COMPROMISE through the waves of life with AT ANYTIME. I think there are always folks that want to love as much as they need to be loved, so I believe folks have multiple shots to mature and match up with a good mate that will TRULY AND SELFLESSLY love them with relationship sustaining love.
    TRUE LOVE requires work. If you find that you're in a relationship with someone that's NOT WILLING TO WORK in order to fix what's broken, then maybe they have love but don't have RELATIONSHIP SUSTAINING LOVE. Just because you love someone does not mean you won't have problems and it shole don't mean that you won't make mistakes. Relationship sustaining love and marriages mean CHOOSING TO WORK THROUGH GUARANTEED HARD TIMES AND MISTAKES. It means choosing to say sorry and make a change, choosing to forgive and forget, choosing to love in spite of problems, and choosing to CREATE burning fire where fire might be dwindling. No magic here. Relationship sustaining love is mutually WORKED FOR. If you start a fire, the best way to put it out is to leave it alone. If you want to keep it burning YOU GOTTA WORK. You gotta fan it and add wood and poke it and toss the coals. BURNING LOVE REQUIRES WORK AND CONCIOUS EFFORT. DON'T LOSE YOUR FAITH ON MARRIAGE OR IN LOVE. True sustaining love can be attained, without work it can be lost, but with prayer and grace it can be renewed and restored. The bottom line is that IT CAN BE AND IT CAN BE MORE THAN ONCE.

  2. 98% of the time, I feel as though you do have one true love! I feel as though God has a special person for everyone. It’s the person that you can’t separate from, go through everything with, grow with, love unconditionally, you “just know” who they are (so cliché but oh so true). But, there are times that someone in a relationship does mess up and breaks that apart. Now, the person who was doing right will be sent someone else from God and experience true and deep love with them. But, that person who dogged the other one out will probably be in relationships, but will never be truly happy because they missed out on their true love and they know it. So, I feel as though they will only be content, while the true love of their life will go on to be blessed with a beautiful relationship. I know that it sounds horrible, but although they were true loves, the one who did the right thing will be able to move on and have happiness, but the one who did not will always have the other one in the back of their minds and never be truly happy in a relationship. Bad thing about it is, I have seen it happen several times and it is not a good look. Because while one is happy, they both know they were each other’s true love, but one did not do right and missed out, while the other one had to move on and was blessed for that…
    Okay, I hope that makes sense, it did in my head.

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  4. I believe we are not all put on earth to be with someone. I've come to believe that your "one true love" has a lot to do with our purpose in this life. There are many factors at play when we go through life seeking (or thinking that we are seeking) the love of our lives. The key is going through life focused on your purpose and passions and all else that is yours should fall in line. Most of us don't ever consider the possibility that our Creator brought us here to be something other than a wife or a mother or a lover.

    - What if the love of your life is a passion not a person?
    - What if you are destined to serve a purpose which would be left unfulfilled if you were to be in a committed relationship.

    I'm not saying we should all concede to a life of singleness. I'm saying that for my own personal growth, I've come to not just pray for the one He is keeping for me, but also that He blesses me with a discerning mind to know what's for me and what's not for me. In addition I pray that He takes away any desires of mine which are not in His will.

    Our society tells us that you do well in school, build a career, you get married, and start a family. When that doesn't happen for us (especially in that order), we tend to develop the urge to take control and direct our own paths to be in accordance with the path described above. We aren't made to consider the alternative of not having it "all" and being content with the possibility of God's will not being our will/wants/desires.

    My belief about this topic could be summed up as this; If, it is God's will for you to be married, then there's only one true love in this life for you. Some have found it, some are patiently and faithfully waiting, and the rest haven't reached the point to believe that it may not be the Lord's will for them.


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