
Ahhhh... another sleepless night... random thoughts in my head. It's almost 1am and I'm up like I don't have to be at work in 7 hours....lol *sigh* where is the off switch for your thoughts when you need it?

I know that all things happen for a reason but sometimes I wish we had the opportunity in life to envision how we want our lives to go and strategically place the people and things right where we want them to be.  Wouldn't that be nice? Only for a little while though. I imagine that would take out important life experiences and make life a lot less exciting but man it would be so much easier and less painful. 

But life doesn't work that way. Realistically nothing will ever be perfect or happen just the way you want it.  We have to take the good with the bad, accept in life the things that we cant change and don't allow them to change us in a negative way. The way we respond to life experiences effects the journey we have along the way. Either you can complain and gripe and be miserable or make the most of what's handed to you...and enjoy the ride.  It's important to not allow issues and 'stuff' to consume us to the point that we can't be happy about anything. When we do, we tend to miss out on the little things that make life so sweet and 'enjoyable'. You have to find the good and the blessing in every life lesson...yes even the bad ones  and ones that hurt.

Unfortunately you cant tell people how to treat you, you cant make ur heart do what ur mind wants it to and you definitely dont get to write your own story... but what you can do is make a conscious decision to make the most of what's dealt to you, be positive and not take anyone, any day or anything for granted. You cant control what happens in life, but you can control how you respond to it... with dignity, pride and a smile on your face, because theres a blessing in every lesson!  You can believe that...


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