Keeping it Real......

Hello world, its me again. :) Did ya miss me...?  Life has been good, life has been busy...thats about it for me.  I've missed writing and so I'm here to get my fix.

Lately I've been noticing a growing and pretty disturbing trend.  I'm all for social networks and what they represent when they are used the RIGHT WAY.  What I don't like about social networks is the ability it gives people to hide behind the guise of a profile picture or a username and enable them to believe they can 'create' the person they want to be.  More often than not I've seen the players portray themselves as the most faithful partners, the heathens (as my grandma would call them) are the most saved and spiritual you've and the perpetrator is always the victim, the person living paycheck to paycheck is balling out of control and sadly the deadbeats are parents of the year (men and women) and the list goes on...seriously...and no im not making this stuff up. I'm sure you've come across your own... The worst part about it is the people that are choosing their 'persona' of the day are always talking about how REAL they are... and infiltrating their comments or updates with "Real talk" or the worst "RNS" (consult your FB acronym list if you dont know what that one means, lol) 

So, I'm a little annoyed and thought I'd blog about it, just to get it off my chest and all.... All of the people constantly advertising and promoting their REALness are the ones that live in their own REALity inside of their head apparently.  If you're real and a genuine person, people will see that just from interacting with you and getting to know you and its not something that has to be advertised.   Its my opinion that people that have to advertise how real they are and how they keep it 'one hunnet' (hundred for the more seasoned readers:) are the very ones that omit, tell half truths and arent being real with themselves. Now thats been MY experience and it might not be yours.  

I think a lot of people have the intention of being real, being honest, being upfront and transparent. In reality, however, its not that simple.  To be completely honest with others first means being completely honest with yourself, which isn't always an easy task.  I talked about my own struggle with that in this previous post . You have to accept who you are and where you are and be okay with that before you can be open and honest with others. If not, its easy to project something that you aren't or may not be true to other people because its something you DESIRE even if you arent quite there yet...  I think its in our human nature to look at someone elses life and feel some type of emotion, be it jealousy, inspiration or happiness but the important thing to remember is to not get caught up in admiring someone else's journey that you forget to be REALLY present in your own. Everybody loves to say "I'm doing me"and if that were the case they wouldn't be trying to recreate what someone else has or try to be something that they are not.  I came across these quotes that kinda help drive that point home...

 TRUTH:  Don't fake it to make it; because however you make, it is how you'll have to maintain it.  Be real.
TRUTH:  You know, life is ironic.  Sometimes, you want to have pieces of someone else’s life, but there are people out there who would love to have yours. Yeah, it’s true:  the grass seems to always be greener on the other side….however, it just depends on which side you’re actually on, and who’s looking.  To someone else, the grass YOU’RE standing on, IS greener.  Blessings ALWAYS cover us.  Appreciation…
Bottom line is.... even online, being the person you think someone would want to see or being something you may desire to be yourself (but really aren't yet) is still a form of deceit. It's lying to other people and lying to yourself and its a clear indication that there may be some things that you may not like about yourself. Those are the things people should focus on changing those things and focus on making yourself happy as opposed to being someone you think people want you to be or the person you think people will like and stop looking for approval and validation from others and get it from yourself FIRST. 

Just my thoughts.... 


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