What about me?

Just needed to vent a little tonight... and this was the result of my little rant to myself....  I didn't finish it cause I might wanna come back and add more but this is what I have right now....

 So frustrating to talk and not be heard
How could they listen so intently and not hear a word
I'm saying I'm frustrated, confused, maybe even upset
What part of any of that is so hard to get?

I know people rarely see me, naked, exposed, and not wearing my smile,
But I, just like you, get down every once in a while
When I'm cut or hurt I bleed blood, just like you  do
I promise you that I go through stuff too

Aren't I entitled to have a bad day too
To hurt, to sulk, and cry just like you do.
Eventually at some point the strong will become weak
But rest assured I'll eventually land on my feet.
I know people count on me for the laughs and the smiles
But like I said before, I too go through things every once in a while
I wont be there long, I can guarantee that
Just give me a minute and I'm sure I'll bounce back.

I know I make it look easy, like everything is always so great
Truth is, its just me not wearing all of my emotions on my face
I was taught that you don't have to look like what you go through
And the world doesn't have to know whats REALLY going on with you.

Unless you choose to share
If you think some would genuinely care
Be there and try to understand
And not force your hand....

In times like these:  Be patient with me, be gentle, be kind
Sometimes I just may need a little time
Please don't get frustrated, push, pry or force your way
Or you'll notice that I may just start pulling away
I know  you want to help, and I know that you care
May not always be something for you to fix, but its comforting just knowing you're there.

Its not always easy when the tables are turned
To go from the motivator and encourager and become the subject of concern
All I ask is that you don't forget
That even if it doesn't happen often, my feelings are legit.
So give me my moment and give me my time
And I'm sure when its over I'll be just fine

Even behind my smile, I'm not exempt from hurt or pain
I'm sure we all experience some level of it just the same
I may show it differently if I even show it at all
And its great to know I have people there and just have to make a call.
Being human, we all will have highs and lows
Just don't forget about me or count me out when life has dealt me a blow.... 



  1. Great article, Monique. I can totally relate!

  2. So good MO! I am going through that it seems like every other day. Just because I don't wear every emotion on my sleeve then people think it's ok to bring me their crap every day like I'm just happy to listen and take on all their emotional baggage. I got stuff of my own to deal with...geesh! I get so sick of it I just shut myself away...I always think it doesn't matter anyway because no one ever truly hears a word I say. So thank you for posting this...I don't feel so alone now. A

  3. Awww Adrianne thanks honey... I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was just having a rough day that day. People forget that even though we are all smiles, we hurt too... and it is definitely easy to pull away so I would hope they get that together before they push me even further away... :)


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