Something in the water....
So, lately I've found myself daydreaming (a LOT) about having another baby. I don't know WHAT has gotten into me. Years ago, I had this carefully thought out plan about how my family would be constructed, how far apart my children would be in age, a list of baby names and everything... but its funny how life doesn't always happen exactly the way we plan it. *Go figure*
It probably doesn't help that my family has grown quite a bit in the last year and a half or so too, as I welcomed my first niece and two nephews into the world so babies have been all around me. I love everything about them, their sweet little fingers, and soft little toes, the way they snuggle up on you and my all time favorite - just holding them and putting them to sleep. :) Even though my big baby is 9 years old now I still love for her to crawl up in my arms and the way she hugs my neck makes me smile inside and outside. I love the innocence of children, their inquisitive nature and their curious little personalities and their interest in wanting to learn and soak up any and everything around them.
However in all this daydreaming and reminiscing about when my baby was still a baby, I'm reminded that now she is very mature, super independent, and pretty self sufficient. There's not a WHOLE LOT I have to do for her that she cant do for herself and I enjoy that. It gives me the ability to do what I need to do most of the time since she entertains herself. And the thought of having another little person in the house that's totally dependent on me freaks me out a little. (actually a whole lot.)
Even still, my baby fever isn't going away (not even a little bit) and this weekend I couldn't help but notice that every time I turned around my eyes were zeroing in a baby bump or a major bun in the oven. I don't know if that was some kind of 'wink' or a coincidence but it was scary to say the least and I'm curious to see what the future holds but I know I have to be patient and wait and see what happens... I know it wont be anything going on anytime soon since me possibly wanting another baby is a really, really small piece of the equation - and I'm clearly still missing a few important factors, lol
In the meanwhile, I don't know about other places around the world, but right now, today, in TEXAS, there has got to be something in the water that everybody is pregnant and apparently has baby fever too.
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