
Showing posts from July, 2012

Baby Steps

There is an old  Chinese  proverb that says, " A journey of a thousand miles began with a single step.' and today I took that baby step...again.  Months ago, I was actively embarking upon a journey toward better health and a smaller waist and well.... smaller everything. :) Somewhere along the way after I lost about 20lbs I got the big head and started feeling really good about myself. People were complimenting me left and right and I was getting more and more attention than usual (some good, some bad) Nevertheless, I figured, ah, I can slow down a little now, and I don't have to hit it as hard as long as I don't gain anything back and maintain my loss, I'm good. That worked for about a month or so and then I stopped working out... I went from 5 times a week to 2, then to 1 and then figured I was too busy to make it to the gym.  Along the way, my mind started playing tricks on me and in addition to slowing my workout I began craving items I KNEW I didnt need to...

WOW... Where did the time go?

April 11, 2012 - that's the last day I posted something on my blog... how sad... almost 3 months and I haven't had the opportunity to 'release'.  I have so many things going on in my head and I have to get them out and written so I wont have to hold onto them anymore.... so, if you're interested...buckle up, because we're about to go for a ride. :) ~Mo