Baby Steps

There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "A journey of a thousand miles began with a single step.' and today I took that baby step...again. 

Months ago, I was actively embarking upon a journey toward better health and a smaller waist and well.... smaller everything. :) Somewhere along the way after I lost about 20lbs I got the big head and started feeling really good about myself. People were complimenting me left and right and I was getting more and more attention than usual (some good, some bad) Nevertheless, I figured, ah, I can slow down a little now, and I don't have to hit it as hard as long as I don't gain anything back and maintain my loss, I'm good. That worked for about a month or so and then I stopped working out... I went from 5 times a week to 2, then to 1 and then figured I was too busy to make it to the gym. 

Along the way, my mind started playing tricks on me and in addition to slowing my workout I began craving items I KNEW I didnt need to be eating and even if it was ok to have every once in a while, that 'moderation thing' was out of the window.  For some reason I felt like I could no longer deprive myself of all the sugary goodies and treats that I felt like I was missing out on. I would scarf down a couple of candy bars and then feel crazy guilty and ashamed of myself. 

As each day passed, I was like oh well, I've messed up now and its too late to 'fix it' and I could never give myself the right push I needed to get back on track. I realize now that if I had started BACK THEN it would have been so much easier to hop back on.  But enough on the woulda, coulda, shouldas I have made up in my mind TODAY  that I have to be the change that I want to see and DO SOMETHING.  (Another 'wink': I started this post on 7/5 but never published it and today on this blog I follow, the author coincidentally posted about something strikingly similar.  Motivation and encouragement from those around me will help push me to do more! We can get there together!) 

Truthfully speaking (as always) after careful evaluation I've realized that I've slacked off in other areas of my life as well.  I can tell because that full, fulfilling happy, floating feeling I normally have when all is right and I'm mentally at peace has been nonexistent.  I think part of the reason is that I've put so much focus on my weight (gain) that I was beginning to be depressed. (wow, cant believe I really said that/typed that aloud).  I've become  content in my new position at work and stopped taking the initiative, I've stopped spending extra time with my daughter and taking those special moments to impart knowledge into her life, I've stopped going to church as much and being involved, and I've slacked on my business plan to become a serious entrepreneur (until recently, more about that in another post) and I had all but 'given up'.  Today I have decided to take back control, I've decided to challenge myself to shake off complacency and to stop existing in life and to live again. Seek out new challenges, do something different and ENJOY LIFE.  I want to use the time I have right now to make positive changes.  I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one so if you're interested in joining, come on, there's plenty of room for us all at the TOP! 


******Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do.*******
                                          ~ John Wooden


  1. Have you been in my head? No, really. I SO feel you on the slacking off of everything that mattered. I am admitting I was/am depressed (whew, I said that aloud too) and kind of alluded to it in this post

    I also had gotten into better physical shape before with my juicing and fell waaaaay off. I'm determined to do it this time.

    What are you doing to make sure you stick with your plan? Are you on myfitnesspal? If so, look for me. I'm liberationtheory

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

    1. Aleia! You are not the first person to tell me that I was in your head. Apparently there are several of us feeling this way....I am more determined this time because I dont like the way I feel when I look at myself... no one should feel disgusted about themselves.

      This time I'm going to start by following a more strict diet plan - basically low carbs, clean eating, chicken, fish and fruits and veggies. Looking to work out at least an hour a day...that's where I'm starting. I might adopt a few of your rules but I'll print it and get it posted around the house - I'm a visual person. I accepted your MFP request! Let's get it! I cant wait to exchange progress stories!


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