
Baby Steps

There is an old  Chinese  proverb that says, " A journey of a thousand miles began with a single step.' and today I took that baby step...again.  Months ago, I was actively embarking upon a journey toward better health and a smaller waist and well.... smaller everything. :) Somewhere along the way after I lost about 20lbs I got the big head and started feeling really good about myself. People were complimenting me left and right and I was getting more and more attention than usual (some good, some bad) Nevertheless, I figured, ah, I can slow down a little now, and I don't have to hit it as hard as long as I don't gain anything back and maintain my loss, I'm good. That worked for about a month or so and then I stopped working out... I went from 5 times a week to 2, then to 1 and then figured I was too busy to make it to the gym.  Along the way, my mind started playing tricks on me and in addition to slowing my workout I began craving items I KNEW I didnt need to...

WOW... Where did the time go?

April 11, 2012 - that's the last day I posted something on my blog... how sad... almost 3 months and I haven't had the opportunity to 'release'.  I have so many things going on in my head and I have to get them out and written so I wont have to hold onto them anymore.... so, if you're interested...buckle up, because we're about to go for a ride. :) ~Mo

Little Life Lessons

Hey! So lately, I see these messages, pictures and quotes all the time that either inspire me or make me pause and think about myself and my life. I mean, some really good stuff.  It might be things that we've heard before but weren't in the right season to really receive it and apply it to our lives.  You read/see it and it just IS  and it usually is very self explanatory.  With that being said, I am going to start sharing them here on my blog in hopes that these "Little Life Lessons" inspire or help people that stop by as much as they help me. If you like it, share it with somebody else. :)  I'm posting the first one below. Little Life Lesson: "Don't try to stretch a season into a lifetime. Know when to let go." Okay, I have to say something about this one, lol... Love this... and its so very true. I had a conversation with someone yesterday about the acceptance that loving someone doesnt mean you're meant to be or meant to be in each oth...

Food for Thought

I strive to....... 1. LISTEN without interrupting. 2. SPEAK without accusing. 3. GIVE without sparing. 4. PRAY without ceasing. 5. ANSWER without arguing. 6. SHARE without pretending. 7. ENJOY without complaint. 8. TRUST without wavering. 9. FORGIVE without punishing. 10. PROMISE without forgetting. Seems like a short list of 10 things but they arent all easy tasks... but these are great reminders that can make life so much sweeter. :) ~Mo

Thank you for No's and Closed Doors

So, I grew up the ONLY girl with 2 younger brothers and was the first grandchild to both sets of grandparents so it goes without saying that I was just a little spoiled and pretty much got what I wanted because I was the only girl and the oldest. :) For me, it was always a matter of saying what I wanted and eventually it would be done. I think some of that poured over into my adult life and I thought that things would just 'happen' for me but  I'm sure anyone reading this knows that life doesn't really work that way and I was in for a rude awakening, lol. There have been many times that I've been disappointed and let down when I felt like God didn't just grant me the desires of my heart WHEN I WANTED THEM . <--- problem was the when I wanted it and maybe, just maybe my timing might not have been aligned with God's timing so I was rejected or told No. Looking back through slightly more mature eyes, I'm learning to be grateful and not bitter or angry...

Something in the water....

So, lately I've found myself daydreaming (a LOT) about having another baby. I don't know WHAT has gotten into me. Years ago, I had this carefully thought out plan about how my family would be constructed, how far apart my children would be in age, a list of baby names and everything... but its funny how life doesn't always happen exactly the way we plan it. *Go figure*   It probably doesn't help that my family has grown quite a bit in the last year and a half or so too, as I welcomed my first niece and two nephews into the world so babies have been all around me. I love everything about them, their sweet little fingers, and soft little toes, the way they snuggle up on you and my all time favorite - just holding them and putting them to sleep. :) Even though my big baby is 9 years old now I still love for her to crawl up in my arms and the way she hugs my neck makes me smile inside and outside. I love the innocence of children, their inquisitive nature and their cur...

Random: Cheer Mom!!!!!

Soooo my daughter has her first official cheer leading competition this weekend at Cowboys Stadium! I'm super excited for her and her rec team (North Dallas Divas). So fitting, for anyone that really knows her.  They've been working really hard lately. I'm excited about being there to support her doing something that she loves and enjoys and ready to see that big kool-aid smile on her face! I'm wondering if I'm going to turn into this super crazy cheer mom traveling with her team to different competitions and what not, there with my makeup and bows and cooler in hand. I'm hoping it doesn't get out of hand like some Toddlers & Tiaras type mess, but I am excited about it. I wanted her to play sports but she is just tooooooo prissy for all that and this is as good as it gets. I've enjoyed watching her confidence in her abilities build. She surprises herself doing things she thought she wouldn't be able to do and as a parent its a great feeling to ...