What's Love Got to Do With It?

happens to be one of my favorite movies... it was a great movie, good entertainment with an inspiring story to tell... but it also depicted a lot of things that love isn't... it also goes to show that LOVE alone is not enough to make a relationship work. (I've had to learn that the hard way)

What I've been seeing around me is that people I know that are great people, have beautiful personalities and wouldn't hurt a fly and can 'hold their own' are being held hostage in relationships that they are in because their partner is physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive. This has always been something that I've never been able to understand and maybe I cant understand it because I've never been there or because I know my mouth is too doggone smart to not say something if I feel someone is trying to push their limits with me.

I know for people that stay in abusive relationships they have their reasons for doing so but what I want to understand is what on the inside of them makes them feel that they dont deserve better, can have better or think that they are less than. I know a lot of it has to do with this desire we have to be 'wanted' by someone else, a lack of confidence and self esteem and maybe even some level of fear.  Its really sad and disheartening that someone that wants to just be in a relationship SOOOOO bad can allow someone to degrade them and disrespect them and break them down on the inside and then make excuses for their partners behavior - that's totally unacceptable.

I know its not just easy to pick up and go when you've built a life with someone but at some point you have to sit back and look at your situation and get some strength and courage from within to know that 1) you deserve better than that 2) you don't NEED them to make it... 3) you don't have to continue to let them tell you who and what you are, know within yourself that you are a strong, and beautiful person and 4) that's not the life God designed for you...

Sometimes I just want to grab people by their shoulders and shake them and tell them to SNAP OUT OF IT! But I know it doesnt work that way. I'll continue to say a prayer for God to remove people from their life that they dont need and hope that this experience doesnt ruin them forever.



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