Are you Guilty? LOL

So, I get the 97.9 the beat newsletter and they had this topic about Texting Rules and some of the offenses and no-no's, just thought i would share these for a good laugh.  This is hilarious because I’ve done most of these things…smh

  • Avoid One Word Answers – If someone texts you a sentence, it is not polite to respond with “K” or “LOL”, its kinda rude, and in fact, it’s stand-offish.  At the very appear that you are least interested in the conversation you’re having and instead of saying “K” say something more like “OK, I’ll do that now”. See what a difference a few extra letters make?
  • Response Time Is Everything – If you’re carrying on a text conversation it is very rude to leave a person hanging by taking hours to respond or not responding at all. If you are busy, feel free to let the person on the receiving end of your conversation know that response time will be slow or to give you a minute.
  • If you can say it all in 1 message, please do – Although we don’t want you to write us a novel, if you can fit whatever you have to say in 1 text, please do. There is nothing more annoying then having your text alerts going off over and over for something that could have been said once. Take some time to gather your thoughts before sending out a text.
  • Say No To Mass Texts – Nothing more annoying than the mass text.   The worst type of mass texts come from those who take it upon themselves to send generic holiday texts at 8am in the morning. It’s annoying, don’t do it!
  • Pay Attention To Who You’re Texting – The most embarrassing thing you could possibly do is text something personal to someone you didn’t intend to. When sending texts, be mindful of who you are attempting to send the text to. 
  • Cursing someone out is meant for phone calls – Don’t be THAT person that goes around cussing people out via text. Be a grown up and make that phone call. 
There are so many more things I could think of but I want to see what you got, so post your comments below with your most ANNOYING text habits. :)


  1. I love that we can communicate via text and not everything requires a phone conversation. What I don't like is that people hide behind text messages and cowardly have serious conversations via text as opposed to going and sitting and talking to someone or perhaps picking up the phone.


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