
Showing posts from January, 2012

The Father Factor: Mo's Version

When I was little, I thought my daddy was the KING! I mean, he was the man... he was powerful, something like a superhero, he took care of his family and he could make things happen that would make me say 'WOW' and make me think, "How did he do that?" dad could do no wrong and I thought he had magic powers... As I grew up, the more I learned about my father I realized that although he was a great father to me and my brothers he wasn't always the best man or husband to my mother but, nevertheless, I cant deny the impact my fathers presence had on my life - both positive and negative. Now, as a mother, each day I'm faced with the issue of the occasional presence and frequent absence that my daughters father has in her life and it makes my heart ache...seriously. Like my chest gets tight, and I can barely breathe sometimes because I'm overcome with emotion. *oh goodness, I can feel my eyes welling up as I type* As her mother, I feel responsible for...

New Year....New Approach on Life.....

Hello World (Wide Web) and Happy New Year! A new year is upon us and I'm excited about it; new goals, new opportunities, new accomplishments to celebrate and the whole nine yards. I actually started working on my 'new goals' before the 'new year' got here but just like everyone else, I'm renewed, refreshed and energized and ready for another year, there's just something that gives you a 'fresh start' feeling when the beginning of a new year rolls around. My last post wasnt very happy... Actually I was kinda sad, maybe even a little drepressed about my holidays 'being different' when it turned out to be the same as it had always been. Kinda... funny thing is - that didnt make me happy either. I mean I enjoyed Christmas and all with my family and people I love and care about, but it didnt give me THAT feeling I was looking for. So with that being said, I've thought about my goals and things I want to accomplish in this new year and ME m...