New Year....New Approach on Life.....

Hello World (Wide Web) and Happy New Year! A new year is upon us and I'm excited about it; new goals, new opportunities, new accomplishments to celebrate and the whole nine yards. I actually started working on my 'new goals' before the 'new year' got here but just like everyone else, I'm renewed, refreshed and energized and ready for another year, there's just something that gives you a 'fresh start' feeling when the beginning of a new year rolls around.

My last post wasnt very happy... Actually I was kinda sad, maybe even a little drepressed about my holidays 'being different' when it turned out to be the same as it had always been. Kinda... funny thing is - that didnt make me happy either. I mean I enjoyed Christmas and all with my family and people I love and care about, but it didnt give me THAT feeling I was looking for.

So with that being said, I've thought about my goals and things I want to accomplish in this new year and ME making ME happy is at the top of the list. I don't want to to look to people, sitiations or anything external to make me happy or give me that "ahhhhhh" feeling. I want to be happy within myself. I dont normally make resolutions but this year I want to challenge make this year different than the others. I want to take the initiative more often and make things happen in my life instead of procrastinating and waiting for things to come to me. I want to be whole all the way around - spritually, financially, educationally, emotionally, family, health and career-wise too. So I've created a list of goals in all of these areas that I am setting out to accomplish and I'm excited and a little anxious about it!

But all in all I'm hopeful for a fresh start... a new beginning.... starting over.... with wonderful new opportunities. Life can only get better from here... :) What are you looking forward to in the new year? (Well, other than me blogging more often :) LOL)

Looking forward to your comments!



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