Checkin In

Hey world! Its been a while... I've had so much on my mind and in my thoughts and just not enough time to get it down on paper or the computer rather... but I'm making the time in the next couple of weeks. My goal is to publish all of the things I have saved as a 'draft' :)

Its been hard for me to write because I think I started becoming worried about my readers too much. Wanting to make sure I posted something 'good enough' that people would enjoy and through that I stopped using my blog as an outlet as it was intended to be. I dont always feel up to blogging a profound paragraph or lenthy lecture ...maybe just a simple sentence every now and then and something cool I saw that I want to share... I'm going to vow that I wont overthink things to much and post whatever I want. :)

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend (I surely did) and look forward to a productive week!



  1. Good. Because just a thought that you share can bless someone that you didn't even know needed it!

    1. I'll remember that and you are so right because there's one person that could benefit and if that's the case then I've done my part. Thanks for confirming that for me. :)


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