Witness, Lawyer or Judge, which are you?
TODAY'S REMINDER: We were called to be witnesses, not lawyers or judges.
Wow... I couldn't have said it better myself. Interesting statement. (I love these little things my mom sends me by the way) - dont tell her I said that though. This one is very touchy...
I think people, (even more so Christian people) forget that we are called to witness and tell others about the good news of Jesus Christ and inform them about the gift that God has given us all - Salvation. It is not our job or responsibility to tell that that we THINK what they are doing wrong but our OBLIGATION to tell them what the WORD says, and not what we've been taught or bred to believe and then they have the opportunity to take that how they want and go figure out for themselves. Thats it... simple, huh? We make things so much harder thinking we have to take on the burden of 'bringing somebody out' and 'delivering them' when that is for God to do, not us.
People need to pause before they open their mouth or get their fingers to moving (through text or email) and be so quick to tell someone their opinion about what they think they should be doing with their lives. Maybe to just pause and ponder "did anybody tell me that I was wrong or a bad person when I lied, was being sneaky and deceitful or had premarital sex (ON THE REGULAR, might I add) or was selfish and unforgiving to someone" Instead, think of the opportunity you have to impart some knowledge into someone, be grateful that are willing to share something so personal to you or think highly enough of you that you wont run around town advertising their business. Also, think about the people that are still there for you and didnt hand you down a guilty verdict and sentence your friendship to the death penalty after you told them some of your personal secrets and things are you not so proud of...... Think carefully, and act cautiously when you think about what you're about to put somoene on BLAST about cause its always easier to see things 'on' someone than it is to look in the mirror and face your own demons...
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