
Showing posts from May, 2011


Ahhhh... another sleepless night... random thoughts in my head. It's almost 1am and I'm up like I don't have to be at work in 7 *sigh* where is the off switch for your thoughts when you need it? I know that all things happen for a reason but sometimes I wish we had the opportunity in life to envision how we want our lives to go and strategically place the people and things right where we want them to be.  Wouldn't that be nice? Only for a little while though. I imagine that would take out important life experiences and make life a lot less exciting but man it would be so much easier and less painful.  But life doesn't work that way. Realistically nothing will ever be perfect or happen just the way you want it.  We have to take the good with the bad, accept in life the things that we cant change and don't allow them to change us in a negative way. The way we respond to life experiences effects the journey we have along the way. Either you can com...

TRUTHS: Relationships

A lot of the TRUTHS (daily quotes I receive) have been geared toward relationships lately and I debated about posting them cause I didnt know how i felt about them just yet, lol.. But here you go... enjoy... and let me know what you think. TRUTH: Being with someone who will never hurt you is simply impossible. Get the next best thing…..Be with someone who's worth the pain. TRUTH: ”Single” and ”In a relationship” are simply just terms. Your heart determines your true status. TRUTH: Trust is like an eraser……….it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.  TRUTH: Don't settle for the person you 'hope' will change...instead, find one you hope never will. TRUTH: True love heals the scars that untrue love left… TRUTH: Sometimes, it's not that you're walking away from someone………you're just walking back towards yourself. TRUTH: Learn how to be whole while you are single, so you don't end up being broken while you are together.  ~Mo~

What's the Difference?

I was talking to a friend and was posed the following question so I want to pass it along to my blog readers... I need you to respond to this one! What is your definition of:  getting to know someone/talking to someone dating dating exclusively relationship What is your take on them and what makes them different? How long does it take to go from one stage to the next? My response was: Actually all of that is kinda tricky. Its really easy to blur the lines/boundaries that separates each one of them. Getting to know someone or talking to someone to me falls in the same category as dating (not exclusive) unless both parties are aware that yall are just getting to know each other for the sake of being friends. BUT I would consider that just talking to someone, getting to know phone, text, hanging out occasionally but still talking to other people would be considered getting to know someone and causally dating. Dating exclusively is a step up/level up where both parti...

Is What You See, REALLY what you get?

Hey world! Feels like its been ages since I posted something even though I know it was just last week, lol.   I've had a lot going on so I was itching to get back on here. I was fortunate enough to travel to St. Louis, Missouri this weekend to celebrate a good friends graduation. I'm so proud of her! I had an awesome time and I needed that get away. So, in traveling this past weekend, I had a lot of time to just stop and observe people. I absolutely love people watching. I can see someone and come up with a whole story about where they've been, where they are, where they are going and who they are going with. Whether its true or not, its fun to look at people and try to 'figure them out'. I'm usually pretty good at it and I can read people well. For the stories I come up with that have colorful scenes and happy endings I never really stop to consider the fact that that persons reality could be the complete opposite. You would never know or truly comprehend an...

Once in a Lifetime..... Yes or No?

Hey! So its 1:08a.m. and I'm wide awake, not even the least bit sleepy and my mind racing with thoughts... This post is going to be kind of random so don't judge me, lol... I read a quote the other day and couldnt decide if I agreed or disagreed with it, so I'd like to pose it to you and hear your thoughts this time, I'd LOVE your feedback.  The quote was about true love and it read: TRUE LOVE is not like a train, that when you miss it, you can say, I'll catch the next one." TRUE LOVE only comes along once. Things that make you go hmmm.... Someone I spoke with immediately agreed when they read the quote, but I didnt. It caused me to go into really deep thought. I was like REALLY? I dont know if that response was me being naive or me just not wanting to believe that you only have one shot to experience that 'one true love' .....or maybe I dont want to think that someone I previously gave that title to in my past was IT..... could be that I dont w...