Keeping it Real......
Hello world, its me again. :) Did ya miss me...? Life has been good, life has been busy...thats about it for me. I've missed writing and so I'm here to get my fix. Lately I've been noticing a growing and pretty disturbing trend. I'm all for social networks and what they represent when they are used the RIGHT WAY. What I don't like about social networks is the ability it gives people to hide behind the guise of a profile picture or a username and enable them to believe they can 'create' the person they want to be. More often than not I've seen the players portray themselves as the most faithful partners, the heathens (as my grandma would call them) are the most saved and spiritual you've and the perpetrator is always the victim, the person living paycheck to paycheck is balling out of control and sadly the deadbeats are parents of the year (men and women) and the list goes on...seriously...and no im not making this stuff up. I'm sure you...