Back on track...

Whew, its been forever (AGAIN...) I feel like I really do say that on each post, lol... this time being back on it is referring to my commitment to healthIER eating and a more active lifestyle.  I really started hitting it hard back in July and it wasn't easy because I have always started and just as quickly stopped working out and eating right. But I hung in there for a little longer this time and in just a couple of months: VOILA! I was 20 lbs lighter.  (Talk about excited, lol!)

No sooner than I lost the weight did I get comfortable with my new 'look'.  I know you're thinking but it was only 20 lbs, well apparently that made a huge difference, lol... I got comfortable and complacent and stopped trying as hard. I had told myself "See, you could do it and now you've done it." and that was almost enough. Enough for me to slow down, stop even and say well if I need to lose it now I know how and know what I need to do.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I'm getting my MOJO or MOBO (corny right, lol) back and I'm back on it. New focus and determination and I'm going to get it done. I'm proud to say that even with the lackluster efforts on my part I maintained my weight even though I was no longer losing so I still have to pat myself on the back that I didnt go in the other direction. That would have been just enough to make me give up, again.

I'm learning to not be so hard on myself, I'm learning that these things take time, and God am I EVER learning how to have patience. I'm excited about this journey I'm on. I think I have a balanced life in many areas, family, home, career, etc.  but I struggle with ME. Making sure I'm whole and balanced - all the way around - physically, mentally, sprititually and emotionally and I'm working on that... and right now its time I get the physical part our of the way so I can move on to the next one! Let's get started! Wish me luck guys!


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