
I feel like it's been ages since my last blog post. I've been writing just haven't published anything for you all to read, lol.  I am feeling good today compared to to the beginning of the week. Its been a difficult one emotionally.  I've done a lot of reflecting and thinking about where i am and where I wanna go.  I've also had time to consider where I was this time last year, and I'm so pleased with the progress that I've made with God's hand guiding me along the way.  

It was less than two months ago in a previous post that I said things were changing soon in regards to my transportation and employment and they really have! Two days after that post I purchased my new car. Her name is Roxie... check her out to the left... (shoutout to my linesister/almost blood sister, Trudy for naming her!) I absolutely love it. I've wanted a Nissan Rogue since 2008 when they first started making them and well now here she is. :)  Shortly after I got a new car - maybe 4 weeks later, I started getting all these phone calls in regards to job interviews - get this - that I NEVER even applied for. People were coming out of the woodworks... I was like God is really SHOWING OUT.  In one week I had 3 interviews and a phone call from someone within my current company that wanted to talk to me about an open position in her department... I couldn't believe things were about to change for me and I actually had options.

It didn't take me long to realize that the things I wanted and desired came when I stopped trying to be in control and I stopped trying to fix everything and just 'trust God'.  Another thing I did was stop complaining. I didn't realize how bitter and ungrateful I sounded until i thought about it one day and had to ask myself "How am I going to keep asking to be blessed with a new job/car when I dint appreciate the one I have?" and once I changed my outlook, doors flew open. I'm excited to say that I'm on a 3 week countdown to starting my new position with my current company. I'll be moving to another building/department with a fresh start and I'm so excited about it! YAY!

On another note: Its not an easy thing to realize that you are the person standing in the way of your own progress. I was holding myself back. It wasn't something I could blame on someone else, or anything. It was all on me. I had to accept full responsibility of standing in God's way because I was fearful, didn't have enough faith to believe that He could take care of what I couldn't and I was so busy trying to fix it the way I thought it should be. Learning to let go is a difficult lesson, not only in relationships but life in general.  Sometimes when you let go of things, its so you can receive something else, usually something BETTER. We have to keep in mind that we cant be open to receive anything when our hands are still full from holding on so tight to what we already have... sometimes we have to just let GO! Then you leave yourself wide open and give God the opportunity to bless you because you've put yourself in a position where you are available to receive....

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!



  1. What a blessing and to know what you know! Congrats on the new job...I hope you enjoy it :-)

  2. Thanks Stef! I appreciate it! I hope everything is working out for you and your new role as well!


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