The Ugly Truth

Have you ever been in a situation where you keep trying and trying and things just don't work out, you get frustrated and want to give up? I have... and its frustrating to no end. As children we are taught to try and try and try again. We've heard our parents, teachers, coaches, religious leaders and others always encourage us and say "Don't give up!" so we naturally take on this negative connotation to giving up.  Shoot, I do the same thing with my daughter, I don't want her to not try so I'll keep pushing her because that's what people did to me and FOR me.

However, when it comes to giving up on people, I'm starting to see things a little differently.  Like the image above says... sometimes you give up on people because you realize they don't care. Its really unfortunate that you would have to 'write someone off' because they aren't putting forth the same effort as you, but its necessary sometimes. It's also very hurtful to realize that someone you are close to or love and care about might not really feel the same and kinda been 'fakin it to make it.  In a previous post, I talked about friendship and how its necessary for the relationship to be mutually beneficial.  I think the same should go for all relationships, including family.  I don't think its fair that we sometimes give our families a free pass to do and say what they want to us, disregard our feelings and expect all to be okay cause 'they're family'.  I always say if people aren't adding to your life they are taking from it, family included.  Last time I check, God only gave me one life and if I'm not going to make the best of it, its going to be on me, I'm not going to let someone else help me do that.  Now, I'm not saying you have to be ugly, but I am no longer in the business of putting forth the effort to help, build relationships or friendships if the other person isn't.  I might for a while but eventually I'll wake up and realize this is a one way show.

The older I get (and I'm really not that old) I'm definitely learning and accepting the old cliche 'everyone comes in your life for a reason or a season' (something like that) and as bad as that might hurt and as hard as it may be hard to accept, its the ugly truth. Sometimes you just have to accept it and move on. *kanye shrug* It is what it is....



  1. Amen and amen! I always say I love you because God said I have to but that doesn't mean I have to like or fool with you! I've separated myself from my biological father's side for the sake of my emotional and mental health because they're toxic! Family members and friends who are like family are some of the most disheartening, depressing, and offensive people we know when it should be the exact opposite...don't care who likes it and doesn't want to admit it, but each and every one of us gotta do what we gotta do for us! So if you have to cut ties with whomever is being dead weight in your life so be and your well-being deserve it!!!

    1. Great comments Pam! Sometimes I think it just has to be done... those people can seriously be dead weights in your life and you cant 'fly/soar' PERIOD if you're weighed down. So I totally agree. And the peace that comes from it is priceless! You'll be in a much better, happier place, trust me - I'm seeing that in my own life. :)

  2. I agree. I think a big part of it too, is that friendship specifically is taken for granted far too often.


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